I received this encouragement from a friend and I want to share it with you!
Blessings~ Savannah
In Psalm 51 David cries out to God to cleanse him from all his dirty sin...to wash away all his guilt and to make him pure. David felt the dirtiness that we feel when we as humans sin against God. For me personally when I commit a sin against God, the whole day becomes drear and I feel in hopeless despair. This is when Satan attacks. "You sinned today already, why don't you just make the best of it And do all the sinful things you want. Tomorrow will be a new day then you may begin fighting to be pure before God again." And when I hear those temptations I feel all hope is lost. I just want to give up! But let me tell you something for encouragement. By being tempted, that means you have a stronghold in Christ. Satan may feel like he is losing his grip on a certain area of your life. Whether it be anger towards people, being judgmental of others, or the most powerful one that has torn down our nation today, sexual sin. If you are facing fierce strong temptations then I encourage you to look up at God with tears in your eyes and a glorious smile on your face and say, God thank you so much for giving me this struggle! When I overcome I know I will be stronger then ever before. And I also know that the very fact that I am struggling means u r still in my life. I want to win God but I need your help. Will you please help me to escape this temptation right now before I sin?" If you sincerely ask God to help you, He WILL be faithful as he promises in His word. I by no means have authority to tell you all these things. I get knocked flat often, but I have a Great Big Powerful God who is well able to help me conquer any battles I may face. It is all a matter of building a relationship with Him. So often we set all kinds of rules for ourselves and we can't figure out why they don't work. Its because nothing will work without a better relationship with Jesus Christ! If we pursue that, He will give us the strength to abide by our own rules to overcome struggles. We can't do this on our own. God designed us to look to HIM as our creator and lover to live a life of holiness!